Top 25- Dr Sukhraj Dhillon Quotes


Description: QuotesDrSD_SpritOrntdBooksHelp


1. “Spiritually oriented books help us refine sense of right and wrong in a confusing world

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_WeDon'tQuietPlBecOLd


2. “We don’t quit playing because we grow old; we grow old because we quit playing

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_ConscsSoulGodInUs


3. “Conscious is the VOICE of God in the SOUL. Thus Soul is part of God within us

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon



Description: QuotesDrSD_InVegeWrdNoWorryKosher


4. “In a vegetarian world no worry about Kosher, Halal, Mad Cow Disease

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_LoveAllTrustFew


5. “Love all. Trust a few. Do Wrong to None. Be Healthy. Be Happy

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_EatHlthyWrkHrdStyStrng


6. “Eat healthy. Work hard. Stay strong. Worry less. Dance more. Love often. Be happy...”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_TransfrmMindToTrnsfmBody


7. “Transform Your Mindset to Transform Your Body..

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_ForeverYoungPostAtt


8. “FOREVER YOUNG means positive attitude and love for life

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_HvingHlthyMindImpAsHlthyBody


9. “Having a healthy MIND is as important as healthy body... And STRESS is like junk food to body

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon




Description: QuotesDrSD_PrayerUSpkMeditGodSpk


10. “Prayer is when you speak and God listens and meditation is when God speaks and you listen.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_HappinsNoCmplnButThankf


11. “Happiness comes when we stop complaining... It’s all about being thankful and positive..

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_WhenRainsLookRnBow


12. “When it rains look for rainbows. When it’s dark look for stars

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_GodNotOutsideWithinUs


13. “God is not outside the world. God is within us. Live a Holy, Healthy, Happy life.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_ImNotHairSknImSoul


14. “I am not this hair and skin, I am the SOUL that lives within

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_ForeverYoung_PosAttitude


15. “FOREVER YOUNG means positive attitude and love for life. We grow old when we quit playing.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_PoorBrthingToLowEnerg


16. “Poor breathing is to low energy as bad air filter is to low car performance

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_StayHlthyWeighNormal


17. “Stay healthy, stay well, Weigh normal in an over-weight world

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_TrustFewLoveAll


18. “Trust a few. Love all. Do Wrong to None. Live a Holy, Healthy, and Happy Life

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_LifeIsn'tBrgKing


19. “Life isn’t burger king. You can’t always have it your way

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_MaybeCan'tStp


20. “Maybe I can’t stop the downpour, but I will always join you for a walk in the rain

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_GodNotOutsideWithinAll


21. “God is not outside the world. God is within us. If we can’t see God in all, we can’t see God at all

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_ConscSoulGodInUs


22. “Conscious and SOUL is part of God within us

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


Description: QuotesDrSD_WithSpirityMoraltyNoKlngA


23. “With SPIRITUALITY and respecting life including helpless animals, come Morality and does what’s right.“ A human can be healthy without killing them for food

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


24. “Don’t think too much. You’ll create a problem that wasn’t even there in the first place.”

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


25. “Don’t try to use what you learn from Buddhism to be a Buddhist; use it to be a better whatever-you-already-are

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


26. “Never blame any day in your life. Good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience, and the worst days give you a lesson

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon


27. “Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place

— Dr Sukhraj Dhillon



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