"Self help and Spiritual Series"
Self-Help Books that can guide you to reclaim:
 Your Health, Happiness, and Highs
At special prices and FREE shipping & handling

Most of these Guides are now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble
and Smashwords under $5 and Paperback editions, mostly under $10.

For Your Barnes & Noble Nook: Also available in paperback editions at B&N.

Paperback Editions: Mostly under $10 
at Amazon and other book-sellers





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Health, Happiness & Longevity: Eastern and Western Approach (ISBN: 0870405276)
Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon 
Priced: US$ 15.00.  A Book for every House-hold.  Made available in pdf format for quick same-day delivery, revised and produced exactly like the original page by page. FREE shipping and handling.

Book Description: Japan Publications, Inc. 1983, Revised 2006.  Oversize Paperback.  267 pages of text and photographs.  9¾" - 12" tall. Practical guide to holistic health, including a vegetarian diet with recipes, and complete health-care program that combines the best of Eastern traditions including yoga, breathing exercises with Western scientific knowledge.

Science, Religion & Spirituality (ISBN: 1-4241-1126-9)
Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon 
Priced: US$ 15.00.  New 2007 Title.  Made available in pdf format for quick same-day delivery, and produced exactly like the original page by page. FREE shipping and handling.

Book Description: Publish America. 2007 (click here to order original at Amazon).  Paperback.  200 pages of text.  6" - 9" tall. A practical guide written at a time when youth is returning to a kind of religion where spirituality is on the rise. There is no longer value in articles with titles such as “Is God Dead?” Today we are using science to complement our spirituality. With this new notion the book combines Eastern religious traditions and Western scientific knowledge to develop practical spirituality.  There is practical information on how to observe the mind, to live in gratitude, and to discard expectations. The book describes benefits of focusing on our spiritual-self that leads to tranquility, increased production, a resurgence of vitality, mental clarity, and joy of living.  There is even a test to know your spirituality level.

Art of Stress-Free Living: Eastern and Western Approach (ISBN: 1-4137-9506-4)
Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon 
Priced: US$ 15.00.  New 2006 Title.  Made available in pdf format for quick same-day delivery, and produced exactly like the original page by page. FREE shipping and handling.

Book Description: Publish America. 2006 (click here to order original at Amazon).  Paperback.  167 pages of text and photographs.  6" - 9" tall. A practical guide that provides stress treatment approaches recognized for centuries by faith healers and meditation experts, and are now accepted by modern medical practitioners. The first book to combine Eastern wisdom and modern Western scientific knowledge. This guide can save you from going to expensive seminars and other programs offered in medical offices, spas, schools or retirement centers.  You don't need to go to an ashram in India or a university "wellness" center, because this book provides various relaxation techniques that you will be able to follow at home.

A Simple Solution to America's Weight Problem: Banish Belly and Lose Weight (ASIN: B000WH7DP6)
Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon 
Original Amazon Kindle $4.95 (Yes $4.95 only for full-length Book) Revised 2010 Edition
Available in Printed Edition

Book Description: Amazon Kindle Revised and Expanded Edition 2010.   Explained with tables and photographs.  Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon Speaks About A Simple Solution To America's Weight Problem: I have put in 12 guides whatever is to know about weight, health, yoga, meditation from East as well as from West.  However, I could not reduce even 5 pounds naturally till I tried what I don't hesitate to call a miracle technique for reducing belly and losing weight. The most effective among any method I have tested or written about weight loss.
The full version book is made available in pdf format for quick same-day delivery, revised and expanded Priced Same as Other Books. FREE shipping and handling.

A New Look at Vegetarianism: Its Positive Effects on Health and Disease Control (ISBN: 1575150298)
Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon 
Priced: US$ 15.00.  Self-help book for health conscious generation of today.  Made available in pdf format for quick same-day delivery, and produced exactly like the original page by page. FREE shipping and handling.  See other similar books by the same author selling for over $50 (£25+) at Amazon.co.uk

Book Description: PPI Pub. 1993, Revised 2006.  Paperback.  With vegetarianism getting so much press, you will want to learn all about it.  This book describes vegetarianism, what it is and why one should consider it as a way of life.  The positive nutritional consideration, health and disease control factors, types of foods and meal plans are all discussed.  Sample menus and recipes are also provided. 
NOTE: Now available as Amazon Kindle Revised and Expanded Edition 2010 for $3.99 only.

Industrial Leaks and Air Pollution: Causes, Cures and Health Concerns (ISBN: 9997691547)
Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon 
Priced: US$ 15.00.  Self-help book.  Made available in pdf format for quick same-day delivery, and produced exactly like the original page by page. FREE shipping and handling.  See yourself this classical item selling for $53.60 (£28.64) at Amazon.co.uk

Book Description: PPI Pub. 1994, Revised 2006.  Paperback.  The author, a molecular biologist, wrote this intriguing book on a level that makes the concept easy to understand.  The book explains the health effects of air pollution, the sources of indoor and outdoor air pollution, and the control measures that can be used against indoor and outdoor pollution. 
NOTE: Now available as Amazon Kindle Revised and Expanded Edition 2010 for $2.99 only.

Genetic Engineering: Technology & Its Applications (ISBN: 157515000X)
Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon 
Priced: US$ 15.00.  All about genetically engineered foods and new ways to produce drugs; and DNA testing.  Made available in pdf format for quick same-day delivery, and reproduced exactly like the original page by page. FREE shipping and handling.  See yourself this classical item selling for $54.35 (£29.04) at Amazon.co.uk

Book Description: PPI Pub. 1990, Revised 2006.  Paperback.  What is genetic engineering and how does it work?  The whole concept is explored.  Also examined is how genetic engineering has been applied in the fields of medicine and agriculture; the work being done to engineer interferon, which is thought to cure certain kinds of cancer; and whether or not the products of genetic engineering should be patented. 

Cigarette Smoking: What It's Doing to Smokers and Non-Smokers  (ISBN: 9997691547)
Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon 
Priced: US$ 15.00.  Self-help book to quit smoking.  Made available in pdf format for quick same-day delivery, and produced exactly like the original page by page. FREE shipping and handling.  See yourself this classical item selling for $55.61 (£29.71) at Amazon.co.uk
Book Description: PPI Pub. 1993, Revised 2006.  Paperback.  For every person who smokes in the U.S. there are three others who do not.  A large majority of those who don't smoke are vitally concerned with the effects of second-hand smoke.  This book describes the habit of smoking, the related health problems and the benefits of stopping-- including plans and programs which help, as well as a listing of resources. 
NOTE: Now available as Amazon Kindle Revised and Expanded Edition 2010 for $2.99 only.
Faith And Reason: In Search of God (ASIN: B00122CO6I)
Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon 
Revised and Expanded Amazon Kindle Edition 2010 for $3.95 only.
Available in Printed Edition
Book Description: Amazon Kindle 2010.Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon Speaks About Faith And Reason: In Search of God:
God and spirit is no more another worldly belief in fate, luck, chance, or coincidence. For the new generation of 21st century, we should be able to make sense of the real world, find peace in the midst of turmoil, and discover hope and joy. This manuscript represents the best of East and West due to my education at Yale University and in the East. The reader will understand the concept of God, which constitutes the spiritual basis of living. The understanding that will put us on a road to love and happiness irrespective of our faith.
The full version book is made available in pdf format for quick same-day delivery, revised and expanded Priced Same as Other Books. FREE shipping and handling.

A Treasure of Great Spiritual Stories (ASIN: B0012LPHIQ)
Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon 
Original Amazon Kindle Book for $3.95 (Yes $3.95 only for full-length Revised and Expanded 2010 Edition).
Available in Printed Edition
Book Description: Amazon Kindle 2010.Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon Speaks About "A Treasure of Great Spiritual Stories: Spirituality in Everyday Living"
This collection of spiritual stories and precepts supplement and buttress peoples moral sense, which is our conscience, or the spark within that tells us to do good. My education at Yale University and in the East brings the best of both worlds. In the legend of Mahabharta, Yudhister could see no evil and Daryodhan could see no virtue in any one. We all have something like this. Truthful and spiritually oriented books like this help refine the sense of right and wrong. Just look at religious wars all over the globe to see the need for books like this.
The full version book is made available in pdf format for quick same-day delivery, revised and expanded Priced Same as Other Books. FREE shipping and handling.

Most of these Books are available on Amazon who published these as kindle edition. Auto-deliver under a minute and are almost free as compared to orginial publisher's price.

NOTE: *After the first three guides, all additional guides are  67% off our original price (e.g. 4 guides $45+$5=$50). 

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Paperback Editions that you can hold in your hands